Find out why my tattoo of "be still" in hebrew is so meaningful and how maybe it can help you too.

5 must have treats for the coffee lover in your life.
Looking to get the perfect gift for the coffee lover in your life? Well you have come to the right place my friend! Here I am going to...

Raising my tribe without my village.
When the call came that day from the Lord, the day my husband and I together decided that we we're to pack and head south. It was a day...

Free Essential Oil Roller Ball Printable
A few months ago I started getting super into essential oils. I won't get into brands, we can save that for another day. However, the...

Time with the Lord. Why it matters.
When we first got to Alabama I would occasionally (as in maybe once a week) read a small devotional on my bible app. This was a pattern...

Meet the Moka
The moka pot is sometimes misleadingly referred to as a stovetop espresso maker. There are many variations in design for this device, but...

How to brew the perfect cup!
#brew #coffee #roast #recipe

Fall Latte Recipe - without the Pupmkin
#coffee #recipe #fall #maple #pumpkin

So whats the deal with Grinders anyway?
Burr vs. Blade.. is there really a difference? #coffee #education #burr #blade #grind #wholebean #javamomma

What are espresso beans anyway?
Although frequently used to refer to a dark, oily roast, there really is no such thing as "espresso beans" or "espresso roast." These...