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Lazy Mom Meals

6 lazy mom meals

Yes, you read that right and I have ZERO SHAME. I can be a very lazy mom at times, and that's OK. I'm cool with it, you should be too. If not, stop reading cause this aint for you!

Life happens, we get busy we get tired, and we get lazy. Sometimes it's the end of the day and you think you have survived the day, then...

"Mooooooom, whats for dinner?" is heard from all the way across the house and your stomach does a little sink, because you know you HAVE NO IDEA! This happens in my house more often than not. I try to meal plan but inevitably I fail. So these are a few of my go to "lazy mom meals". Fair warning, these may not be the healthiest or the most wholesome meals, but my kids do not care and they are fed. So at the end of the day it's a win!

ramen stir fry

1. Ramen Stir Fry

Ya, super processed ramen and frozen veggies. Things we almost always have in the kitchen and is always a win. You can mix and match it up however you want, add meat if you have it or keep it vegetarian. Here is one recipe, but really this is so simple it's hard to get it wrong! I like to just do a bit a teriyaki most of the time.

Chicken Lime Soup

2. Chicken and lime soup

I like this one year round, I do a lot of soups but this one is good in the summer months too. With a nice cold drink! I like to serve it with the lime chips from tostidos, dip it in the soup or crunch them over it! I save time by using a rotesserie chicken or canned. It can be a bit spicy, so if your kids are sensitive, cut back on the green chilis and add more lime! MMMM good.

3. Hobo Packets

I am sure there is a better name for these, but this is just what we call em. They are fun for the kids too. They do take a bit longer to cook but the hour its cooking you can play a game with your kids, which makes the whole night that much more fun. You can use so many different veggies and meats, we prefer the ground beef because it defrosts easily with either hot water or the microwave. It always fails that I forget to take out the meat!

4. Wraps

The fancy term for STUFF in a tortilla! My favorite use for canned chicken. I used to be afraid, but its now a staple item. I love to mix salsa, black beans, corn and ranch dressing with some canned chicken in a bowl, wrap it in a tortilla with some "doritos" for crunch and walah.. instant southwest wrap! You can always to with the good old turkey wrap too. The link below is a little bit fancier but you get the idea!

5. Hawaiian roll sliders

Baked juicy ham and Swiss cheese nestled in soft, sweet Hawaiian rolls with a buttery Dijon on top. Sounds delicious right. Well it is. Its amazingly easy and probably served with bag of chips on the side. I also sub the swiss for american or mozzarella because this mom is not a fan of swiss! Again, theme here is stuff you have in the house right! We love the Hawaiian rolls and this one is a winner every time!

Cheater chicken stew

6. Cheater Chicken Stew

A classic right. Chicken stew. It is basically a fancy more flavorful version of chicken soup. I love anything I can open and dump! This one is it. You could do it in the crock pot too if you think that far ahead, but I find 30 or so minutes on the stove does the trick. Again - no rotisserie, try canned! NO SHAME in my canned chicken y'all.

What is your go to lazy mom meal?


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