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Milk froth hacks for the home barista.

milk froth hacks

So, you want to really have a beautiful latte at home but don't want to spend the money on fancy schmancy espresso machine? Your in luck! Even though I own a semi fancy (not really that fancy) espresso machine, I actually tend to do the cheap and dirty methods of getting my milk to be the perfect frothyness! Here are 4 easy ways you can do it with items you may already have at home!


Before we talk about the methods, let's talk about temperature. You want your milk to be heated to around 95°F. Which you don't need a thermometer to tell you. It's quite simple really, all you really have to do is to feel the cup with your hands. If it's cold, it's below your body temperature. If it's hot, then it's right around your body's temperature of 98.6°F. If the cup is too hot to hold, then you've overheated your milk and the foam won't stay. I have found 60 seconds in the microwave to be perfect, but test your microwave wattage just to be sure. You can always heat it on the stove too, but were going for easy here folks.


This is the one I probably use the most, as in 2x a day! It is the most convenient and also the easiest to get right. There is some skill but really if you can push a button you can froth your milk. The simple mini hand held frother. They range in price from about $6 on up. Any brand is fine, and they basically work as a small but powerful whisk. , you can achieve your foam in seconds and then pour it into your coffee. Amazon, Ikea and Walmart all have em!

milk frothing wand


Your French Press! Yep, you know that fancy contraption you use to steep the perfect cup! You pour your heated milk into the glass flask (empty of coffee of course) and do about 8 plunges and bam, your foamin' it up! Pour it over your fresh cuppa and enjoy!

milk froth in french press


This next one is by far the cheapest! Although I find it doesn't make foam quite as well as the other ones do, it gets the job done. That is your simple small jar with lid! Mason jar, jelly jar etc... Place your warmed milk in a jar, screw the lid on very tightly, and shake away! Note: if your milk is quite warm, you may want to hold the jar with a dish towel so you don’t burn your fingers. Give it a few taps on the counter to bust some of the bigger bubbles and there you have it!

milk froth in mason jar


This is the newest one I just read about, and I personally have never tried it, but the science stuff makes sense so why not? If your a tea drinker then this is for you. It is the squeezable tea ball infuser! Yep, The holes work perfectly to break up the liquid and introduce air, just be sure to keep it clean as any leftover tea debris can affect the foam and the taste. If you try this one, let me know how it went!

This is just a few of the many at home methods but it is enough to get you started on making the perfect latte at home! Remember to pair it with the freshest coffee which I happen to have HERE!

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