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4 Ways to market your Java Momma Coffee

market java momma coffee

In-Home Tastings & Vendor Events

Coffee is one of those things that JUST has to be savored, tasted and aromatically enjoyed. So what better way to do that than hosing an in home tasting.

Hosting a coffee bar. Complete with tasting cups, giveaways and a display of your favorite things to mix in your coffee. Have a selection of a few of the flavors and invite some friends around to taste! Whether you like your coffee hot, cold, even french pressed, your guests will be excited to experience something new.

Java Momma is a great company to pair with other direct sales companies. Tag along to one of your friends parties or offer to co host and get your caffeine on!

With Java Momma, you can also share the coffee and other products at vendor events or a farmers markets.The P and P is pretty loose so the possibilites on where you can sell are pretty endless. Think about your audience, the time of year, and tailor your Java Momma coffee to ones that are in season.

Do all you can to share your product in new and fun ways and think about a possible giveaway or goodies so they remember you.

Online with facebook

Marketing a direct sales product on Facebook is popular these days!

Many of us see the same “Check out my new product” post every time we scroll our news feed. With Facebook, the key is to set yourself apart from other consultants.

But, how?

Facebook has 3 ways to promote your direct sales business and using all 3 is a surefire way to succeed in direct sales online.

A Facebook Business Page is the public’s view of your company, product, and your brand. As a direct seller, you need to have a business page as Facebook prohibits selling products from your personal timeline. Bryan Fryer suggests waiting till you hit the 10000 sales mark to start one. But if you already have, no worries. Keep it up but don't push it. Link it to your IG so it doesn't go dead. Just don't spend a lot of time there :)

A Facebook Group is a community of friends, family, and customers that you have created and keep engaged. A group is where you can really connect with your coffee loving followers and develop a relationship with them. If you focus on the relationship first, the sales and income opportunities will follow. If you have enough friends and customers this may be the place to start.

Facebook Parties are definitely all over and most of us have been invited to or attended one for a direct sales product. The key to a successful Facebook party is to personally invite those who may be interested in your product and create a fun and informative event that does not drag on for days. This can be a bit tricky with a product that really needs to have the senses to work. Make it fun, make it casual and check out the EPIC FB party on the Social Suite for some great tips. All our training's in Java Central are also based on these, so pay attention and follow the flow.


Instagram is a visual platform so professional looking photos and graphics are a must! Its a place for art and graphics to come together as one. Attract the attention of new prospective customers and keep your followers engaged by providing more than just photos of Java Momma coffee. Think of coffee as a part of your lifestyle. Post pictures of how you make coffee, how you drink it, what you drink from. Post Memes and fun sayings to get them interested. These are all great ways to start your own coffee loving following. To succeed with Instagram you need to focus on building a following and engaging with them on a consistent basis. Instagram is also a great way to funnel fresh eyes over to your Facebook page or group.


I love Pinterest and feel it is such an under-used platform for those in the direct sales business. I learned in Java Central and the always amazing Kristy Empol the power of pinterest. Kristy says the key to Pinterest is to think about it in terms of a search engine. Just like Google, people go to Pinterest to find answers to their questions. Building a presence on Pinterest takes time, in the beginning, but the benefit pays off in the long run. Having a Pinterest account devoted to your Java Momma business can be one of the best ways to get you through those months where you are so close to hitting your goals.

Check out mine here and see what I have done to get myself found in Google more easily!

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