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Ice Ice Baby, Coffee that is

Oh yes, the sweet nectar that is caffeine. It is our get up and go juice, our I AM NOT MOMMIN' without it juice. Some people like it steeping hot, black. Some like it just warm enough to melt the creamer. Me, I like it cold, really cold, on the rocks cold. So let me share with you how I make this awesome little drink that is also *GASP* healthy too!

So, there are so many options in the cold brew world, I have a few favorites below and if your brave enough you can even brew your own! (we will attack that another day). The prices run from about 3-8 bucks. You will want to pay attention to the label though. Here are some things you want to look for:

- CONCENTRATE: this means you won't want to drink this like you would regular coffee. Think of it like espresso, you want one or two shots, NOT an entire glass. I love the ones from Trader Joes or Aldi. One shot glass gets me a good amount of WAKE UP.

- COFFEE: So this is going to be your basic cold brew coffee. NOT from concentrate and can be taken in the same amount that you would normally drink your coffee. There are a TON of these on the market, but again, pricy and you can just make it yourself super easy with our amazing cold brew packs! 2 oz pods, steeped in cold water for 24 hours and it's a cold brew extravaganza. SHOP HERE

- Additives: Now, I don't mean the WORD additives (which are also bad), but actual added *crap* that you don't need. If it has the words Mocha, or Sweetened, or Flavored etc... those are not your basic cold brews and will only rack up the calorie and sugar count. Make it yourself for the best possible flavor!


Now, my favorite part.

How do I make it on the healthy side? Protein powder!!! Yep, sounds awful I know. Who wants to drink a chalky thick Ovaltine type drink for real??? (no offense Ovaltine) but there are a few new brands of protein out there that I have tried and LOVE. They are formulated just for this reason and as some will come caffeine free (blech) I have my ultimate recipe below:



- Ice (duh)

- Cold brew ( 1-2 shots of concentrate or 8 oz of cold brew)

- Water enough to fill the glass up (I use a 24 oz mason jar, but a 12/16 oz would do too)

- 2 scoops of desired protein powder.

Simply mix with a spoon or if your lazy like me and want one less dish to wash just use the straw! Bam, the best breakfast and 20 grams of protein to boot! WIN WIN.

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